
Monday 13 October 2014

3rd year: character design splash page and storyboard.

This is splash page of the ideas I had for cute creature designs. 
These two drawings above are ones before research. they are cool but not what we were looking for. Love her attitude though in the bottom right corner haha... Oh how I love expressions. 

 These become random cute ideas from the top of my head and research into nostalgic program mes and music videos such as Gorillaz which were a huge favorite of mine back when i was younger. These helped with our ideas but alas they were not quite there with ideas just yet.

 This cute little fella is an idea I had from a a mixture of voda phone bee advert and the the elephant advert for money I found this guy really adorable but I might play around with him in my own time. I call him ELEBEE!

This was a very rough development on The little robot on the second rough of ideas. My favorite was the top right image as it had a lot of character and opportunities to express many emotions. 


I helped make really rough (and I mean rough) story boards to help my partner to create more ideas in what she picture for out pitch.

E4 pitch: above
This pitch was to do with E4, a classic example of love gone wrong. in this the two couples see each other and happily about to embrace when the female walks past and hugs the E4 logo. Cute but a bit cliche...

Cartoon network pitch:below
In this pitch we had ideas of having a cute robot ( as you can see the designs previously) In this pitch the robot is low on battery so he/she decides to chart him/herself up and plugs itself in to the wall/ then a giant surge hits the robot and over powers it till it's a crisp. then as it pans out a huge ident logo of cartoon network brightens up. I really like this idea but we had bigger things in mind. Although I may take this on in the future when I have time.

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