
Tuesday 21 April 2015

Dance Project: Rounding up all the Blocks and splines

Been a very busy Easter break but lets see what I have been able to do for the Dance Project

I have had some personal matters attend to so it has been very difficult to keep up with my coursework.

So lets start scene from scene with all their either final blocks or being in the middle of some splining. 

Scene 19 more or less complete anymore polish will be done when the rest are near the polish level but that wont be till a week or two.

Dont threat by the thumbnail, there is a video here of scene 20 the hip and bash scene where Donna hips away Regina. a very toony scene full of stretching and quick lunges. In block form but in a couple of days will be into spline and getting messy.

 Again thumbnail wont show. scene 21 is thr largest and most difficult scene out of all of them. The twirl and dance are the most challenging tasks I have done thus far. but hopefully will be the most rewarding.

Here is scene 22, the aftermath of reginas impact with Donna's hips. simple 'get up and go' near to polish but still have a few kinks to work out.

Deadline for this is around 4 weeks time so fingers crossed that I achieve this with some pride !!!

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