
Friday 10 April 2015

Dance Scene 20: Blocking

From the dance project scene 20

This is final scene that I need to finish blocking out properly and then it's back to my personal work for pepmin. Unfortunately I have been unable to be as quick with my work due to personal matters but life is getting back on track so hopefully I will catch up and do well. 

so weak....

This is the first block for the scene where Donna the larger woman hip bashes the woman in possession of the main man. This is a scene that needs to be full of stretch and pulls to get the motion and energy given off by the characters. I do think this will be an enjoyable one because its quick with simple moves and there is fun conflict.

improved block

Since I'm away from my student house the internet in my original home is terrible and so it takes  good while to upload a video to YouTube to put on here, so hopefully I can fix that and make more posts sooner to show my progression. 

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